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Guncraft Hand-on Preview - E-Sport - 2020

It is ridiculous to think that we now live in a world where you have to say "No,
another voxel-based competitive shooter". GunCraft, from Exato Game Studios,
follows the ace of Spades in marrying Minecraft-style constructive/destructive
environments with team-based and free-for-all multiplayer gunplay. I stuck on
my geometric water and went into the trenches created by the player.

Unlike Ace of Spades, like Minecraft spk, the worlds of Guncraft are made up of a
variety of blocks that have more best features than the shape that attack them.
The different block types, from wood to steel, have different durability, and in the
build mode of the most interesting game, the cost of different player resources. This leads to some
unique decisions: You can slap a thin bunker of dead trees at the start of around the game,
but it won't last long. waiting until you make some more cash in the
round will drown out the hard, metallic version of the same design.

The other big stand-out is customization. First, you can create
pre-fabricated structures outside of the match and prepare them
as presets that can be placed on the fly (as long as you can afford
component blocks). Second, as the suggests, you can actually
make guns. You have carved a model in a special editor of blocks that
are much smaller than the world-making type. Statistics use the
point-by-system system, which allows you to adjust damage, range,
and rate-of-fire in certain set templates (machine gun, shotgun, and so on).
During our multiplayer session, I was killed several times by a grenade cat.

Guncraft has some new modes, aside from the mainstreams like Team
Deathmatch and CTF. My personal favourite is Lava Survival, in which a rising
plane of molten rock slowly circles the map from bottom to top. “when you start the gunfire
will only surprise you for a few seconds, which it takes to guarantee death by
liquid fire. It becomes a duel to climb and/or build as high as possible, and the last
one is unintended. There is also a siege mode (which I didn't get the chance to try),
in which two teams compete to build a siege machine from a set template while trying
to dismantle what their opponents are building.

Shooting in Guncraft feels good. This is similar to Call of Duty (including Killstreaks),
but with a lot more vertical movement. There are vehicles on some maps: tanks,
and hoverbikes — all of which could only be used to kill me in a blast.
The maps seem to be bigger than the ones I played in Ace of Spades,
especially their vertical dimensions. One, in particular, was jacking us
up for a spot on real-size skyscrapers with Guncraft's handy Hookshot
(an optional secondary weapon that lava needs more or less of survival).

While basic shooter mechanics can use some improvement, Guncraft does
enough new things to keep most matches fresh, exciting, and different.
Even when everyone is playing like any other shooter, the level of random
damage can lead to a dynamic-feeling environment. And when people are
trying to close or open paths, each match becomes a unique exercise every
time you adapt to completely new routes.

You can now sign up for the open beta on the official site, which will get you
a few perks (Tron-inspired Tailset, a couple new weapons, and special skin)
until you enter it before it closes on April 30th. You can pre-order the game for
game 15 and if you're so inclined to vote in the green download